Time Capsule Ideas For the Aspiring Time Capsuler

Time capsule contents

The dawn of the new millennium around 16 years ago has us at Lastsource thinking about one of the more useless ways to mark history: the Time Capsule. We have thought long and hard about various time capsule ideas and how to best commemorate this year, and will be burying the following items behind our headquarters, to be unearthed in 2075:


  • Raggedy Andy Doll
  • Bag of Gravy Train and Gravy Train video – Because dogs must know how their counterparts from the past lived.
  • Package of Liverwurst: there might not be any around in 2050, and even if there is, will it have the same tender, smokey flavor that we take for granted today?
  • Cleveland Indians batting helmet – The Indians logo will have been changed by then to a new, politically-correct one: Cleveland Native Americans.
  • Block of ice to commemorate the cold winter of 1999-2000.
  • Patch of fine Corinthian leather.
  • Charles Grodin’s toupee.
  • Deck of Uno cards. When this game is forgotten, we will reintroduce it in 2050 and make $$$$!
  • A commemorative Olympic quilt sewn by the members of the Salt Lake City Olympic Committee.
  • Set of fine cutlery. Have you seen the trend in kitchen knives lately? By 2050, they might not cut at all!!
  • Franklin Mint Commemorative Plate of Jesus, The Saviour, to remind future Americans just what Christmas was really about.
  • Cord of Wood. If the trend of deforestation continues, we want to be able to build a fire to keep warm.
  • Rabbit’s foot. Everybody will want something “lucky” by then.
  • Scotch tape. By 2050, this useful adhesive will probably be gone and we want to make sure we have some to wrap presents in 50 years.
  • Case of catsup. We don’t have much faith in bioengineered tomatoes, but we’re sure fries will be around.

Feel free to bury your very own time capsule based off of our time capsule ideas. See you in 2050!