Dungeons & Dragons has a rich, diverse history. We have collected some of the greatest moments in the game’s history for you to relive right here! D&D FOREVER we say.

1. Wynstryl Elfsong Defeats 38 Shambling Mounds With a -2 Cursed Longsword
Wynstryl was searching for the Eye Of Kayzok in the Dungeon of the Red Skull on The Forbidden Island for this epic battle. After picking up the cursed sword and falling into a spiked pit causing 7 points of damage, Wynstryl thought his bad luck was over. But when Dungeon Master Ernest Pickler smiled maniacally when Wynstryl recovered from his fall into the pit, he knew he was in for more trouble. The DM rolled a 20, and 38 Shambling Mounds appeared in the darkness. Seven hours later, Wynstryl emerged victorious, although his wand of fireball was fully depleted. He almost reached level 8 after that melee.
2. The Food and Amenities Needed for the Longest Gaming Session in Recorded Role Playing Game History
In 1984 Dungeon Master Wilford Bobwhite presided over an extremely long D&D session in the locked basement of his parents home. Seven players were present at the first roll of a D4. Mr. Bobwhite had time release locks installed in his 2 inch cast iron basement door, not to be released for 30 days. In preparation for this long and arduous event a mighty load of foodstuffs were bought beforehand(the list follows)
A large box of individually packed 16 ounce bags of Funyuns Onion Flavored Snacks.
72 Cheese’nPleezin Beef Franks packed in dry ice.
A bunch of corn tortillas
Some Cheetos obtained from the last Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-con
An assortment of cooking oils.
1 pallet of Fresca
Some celery
A whole lot of mustard packets
A 45 pound wheel of sharp cheddar donated by Wilford’s uncle.
A few wet naps and sporks found in a small baggie under the sink.
A ceramic cauldron once used for mixing lead and tin to make “poor man’s pewter”
A Crock Pot
Around 240 Hot Pockets, stored in the deep freezer also located in the basement.
The basement has a utility sink so water is plentiful.
A “Urination Chamber” comprised of a 5 gallon old pickle slice bucket (dumped daily)
The “Crapatorium” – The Utility Sink must be used with a pair of Playtex gloves as the drain is only 1 inch wide.(some shaping of waste for disposal may be required)
An octagonal table, painted black, oppressive.
A chest type freezer containing only ice buildup and all the Hot Pockets as mentioned above
Sleeping areas for eight, provided 1/3rd overlap does not bother anyone.
Dice, Dice and more dice. (Wilford Bobwhite’s d8 is carved from Gary Gygax’s L3 vertebrae) RIP Gary!
Some heavily highlighted Monster Manuals as well as a completely highlighted Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master Manual.
Multiple kittens, thrice the size of normal, swarm about.