Birds FAQ: Why Don’t Birds Fly to the Moon?

A bird attempting to travel to the moon.
A bird attempting to travel to the moon.

Question – Why don’t birds fly to the moon?

It is a question that everyone wonders about but is afraid to ask. Why don’t birds fly to the moon?  It only seems natural that the cold, icy embrace of the Earth’s moon would appeal to all but the most jaded birds.  How many times have you observed a bird flying in the nighttime sky and thought, “Wonder why he doesn’t just go to the moon?”  Well, after over 8 years of exhaustive research we believe we finally have the answer.

The Answer

Birds can not see up, they can only see sideways and slightly forward. They can’t see the moon.  When the moon is on the horizon in front of them, they fly at it. In the time it takes to get to where they thought the moon was, it has risen over their heads. They can’t see it and land and hunt for seeds or bread.  Believe it or not, some birds will even tend to an egg (perhaps due to the similarity between an egg and the moon’s appearance) since they can’t seem to find the moon when it is overhead.

Question – What about during a full moon, birds should see that right?

Now when the moon is full, it is bigger right?  So it stands to reason that even the laziest, non-observant bird would at least catch a glimpse of the moon and set course for the silvery ball hovering out in space.  When the moon is full it kind of looks like an egg?  Don’t birds like eggs?

Large bird egg vs regular bird egg
Only a crazy bird would mess with the big egg.

The Answer

Yes!  Birds like eggs and birds jump around and sit on eggs all the time.  But the moon when full makes the birds think it is an ostrich egg or perhaps the egg of an emu.  No small bird is brazen enough to even attempt to mess with an egg from these giant birds.  So yes, the birds do see the full moon sometimes, but they get scared and hide in their nest until the welcoming morning.  It all comes down to SCIENCE, we can not be sure what these birds are thinking. Only a bird scientist can know for sure and they refuse to return my calls.

Until next time…